Home Cooking Blog

Homemade is here to help you become a skilled chef with more than just our live virtual cooking classes! We also want to be your all-around resource for all things home cooking! Whether you’re looking for a recipe blog or posts that give you helpful kitchen tool tips, our expert team is here for you. Explore articles that share our knowledge in new and interesting ways when you make checking our home cooking blog part of your weekly routine!

Ditch the Easter roast - grab some lamb instead!

Ditch the Easter roast - grab some lamb instead!

Easter is sneaking up on us!  Seriously, it’s right around the corner on April 4th. Doesn’t it se...
Sharpen Your Knife Care Skills (see what we did there?)

Sharpen Your Knife Care Skills (see what we did there?)

So you have a brand spankin’ new knife, or maybe, a whole set!  Or maybe you have ratty old knive...
Reasons to Celebrate!

Reasons to Celebrate!

Spring is in the air guys…you can just smell it!  This spring may still feel a bit heavy for some...
Valentine's Day 2021, what are your plans?

Valentine's Day 2021, what are your plans?

This Valentine’s Day may look different from year’s past.  Many of us are (sadly) foregoing the romantic dinner in a quaint little restaurant, the annual pub crawl with your pals, or favorite wine bar with your gals. That doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate this Valentine’s Day, we just have to celebrate differently this time!  
Michael’s Grandma’s Enchiladas

Michael's Grandma's Enchiladas

“Probably one of my favorite meals on Earth! Nope not kidding. As a kid my Grandma’s enchiladas were only made around Christmas. She would make 14 dozen at a time. I can remember eating them for weeks after. If you never had Enchiladas with a fried egg, well let’s just say you are missing out. These will take time and a lot of love. But let me tell you it's well worth it!” - Michael, Joel Gamoran’s Business Manager
Give the Gift of Homemade

Give the Gift of Homemade

There it is, your holiday gift list.  It’s so long, so many names, and so many blanks beside them. Some people are just too hard to please, some people have zero hobbies, and some people simply have everything. What do you get for these misfits on your list?  
Joel’s Duck Fat Latkes

Joel's Duck Fat Latkes

“My Duck Fat Latkes are the real deal, they’re going to blow your mind!"

- Joel, Head Chef

Samara's Pecan Bar Recipe

Samara's Pecan Bar Recipe

"Mostly, they bring back childhood memories.  They are super sticky, buttery, and delicious! I loved helping my Mom make large trays of these every year around the holidays . . . 
The Best Gifts Are Homemade

The Best Gifts Are Homemade

The most memorable gifts aren’t usually purchased from a store or ordered online.  Chances are, the gifts you’ve either given or received that are most memorable are the ones that came from the home.  

Celebrity Chefs Help You Cook at Home

Yes, our chefs are renowned experts who have cooked on television and in world-famous restaurants, but they also cook for their friends and family at home! When it comes to home cooking, all of our chefs have unique insights that can make your experience so much more enjoyable. Cooking at home doesn’t have to be a chore when your backup is a celebrity chef!

We offer so many ways to learn, from joining our free classes and booking a private event to just browsing our home cooking blog for recipes and ideas! Some of the articles you’ll see on the blog include:

  • Holiday Menus
  • Individual Recipes
  • Chef Tips & Advice
  • Knife Guides
  • Current Events

We try and relate to what you’re going through, so we can better meet your needs when cooking at home. From learning new things during a pandemic to figuring out how to deal with your daily kitchen messes, the Homemade home cooking blog is here for you! Find answers to your basic cooking questions, discover new recipes to try, and learn more about the best tools for all your cooking needs at Homemade today!

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